Sunday, 9 January 2011

Pythagoras, philosopher, magician and scientist

Pythagoras's demonstration

Pythagoras was a large philosopher, magician and Scientist. He was born in Samos , seems in the 570 a. C; the father was a stonemason, the mother was coming from a family whose source of wealth the commerce marittimo.Tra was his numerous journeys, one caused in Egypt Amasi with a letter of introduction of the despot in Samos with the Pharaoh. He remained here for well 22 years. She according to a few sources in particular Erodoto, he learned the knowledges of mathematics, medicine and magia.Nel 532 founded to Crotone, a colony of the Magna Grecia, in that what today is the Calabria, a school to mystical character. He taught a practice of life and customs of esoteric die here. The school bought well a political certain importance soon, of aristocratic kind. When, however, he outdid the democratic faction unavoidable conflicts burst. The school was fired, many pupils were killed and Pythagoras had to run away to Metaponto where he moved his school. This school further on to be interested in the studies of philosophy and mathematics, he was following a mystical orientation secret kept and morale whose princes were and initiates could only include them. Pythagorean ones believed in the immortality of the soul and the transmigration of the souls in the other bodies, hips of animals, after the death. These transmigrations were continuing until he animates it had not found his original harmony again. The Pythagorean doctrine was considering the number and the numerical relationship as the true reality; Pythagorean ones were only considering the integers and were affirming: All the eye-catchers know have number; without this nothing thinking would be possible or know. The idea of a reality well grounded on the interactions among the opposites, took them to identify ten fundamental oppositions.

10 opposizioni

The 10 is also considered symbol of peace and brotherhood, in fact exchanging a handshake, two people join the ten fingers among them. And what the 10 is always a special number confirms him the fact that divine Commandments are 10.

The famous tetraktis was a number triangular one was representing like that

La Tetraktis

This representation remembers the triangle in what the traditional iconography was so inserting the eye of God. Numbers, as points; and you point as real entities .

Numbers themselves find again .I in the musical interval relationships Pythagorean were attributing a musical sound to the bodies celesti.Tutti bodies, when one move, produce noise, and the noise produced by the celestial bodies would be musical, because they move with harmonic speed and distances relationships. We would not then only listen to this sky-blue music in order that we are used to her. Between the numbers therefore relationships exist and between the relationships he is possible find a proportion, or rather relationship equalities. Since celestial bodies also perform regular, expressible ways with their movements numerically, Pythagorean Ones reach support the existence of a harmony of the sky-blue spheres, not graspable from the human eye. The cosmos some Pythagorean is constituted in fact by a central fire, compared to the fireside of a home, about to what they rotate the earth, the moon, the sun, the five then well-known planets, and the so-called sky of the fixed stars. Pythagorean Ones also add the antiterra placed between the central fire and the earth.

Numbers themselves find again .I in the musical interval relationships Pythagorean were attributing a musical sound to the bodies celesti.Tutti bodies, when one move, produce noise, and the noise produced by the celestial bodies would be musical, because they move with harmonic speed and distances relationships. We would not then only listen to this sky-blue music in order that we are used to her. Between the numbers therefore relationships exist and between the relationships he is possible find a proportion, or rather relationship equalities. Since celestial bodies also perform regular, expressible ways with their movements numerically, Pythagorean Ones reach support the existence of a harmony of the sky-blue spheres, not graspable from the human eye. The cosmos some Pythagorean is constituted in fact by a central fire, compared to the fireside of a home, about to what they rotate the earth, the moon, the sun, the five then well-known planets, and the so-called sky of the fixed stars. Pythagorean Ones also add the antiterra placed between the central fire and the earth.

Cosmo dei Pitagorici

But number and proportion only rule not on this cosmic scale, but hips indoors of the human world. They are to the eye some Pythagorean the fundamental tool to make cease the discord between the men and set up the harmony between them, in their economic and political relationships.

Another holy figure to the Pythagorean was the stave, the star to five pricked, contained in the divine circle sign of recognition among the followers.

The stave still even remained today a holy or magic, symbol mercenary as amulet. Someone thinks the stave with the tip in bass buys a negative, "diabolic" value.


Going back to the Pythagorean doctrines, as sky-blue movements are eternal, because in them, for their circularity, the principle and the end they rejoin, then the soul also, unlike the body, has a series of periodic returns. Some periodic return of all the things, the Pythagorean Eudemo was saying he dates the identity of the motion and the constancy some successions, all the events will be reproduced in a time: "then I also will go back to speak, keeping this small stick in hand, to you sat as time; and the end all will behave anyway ".

The human life participates of the universal heat and is in resonance with the sun, life bearer; she as the rain descends from the sky, enters earth and then goes up again toward the sun, for the evaporation of the sea, similarly souls descend from the sky, enter the prison of the meat and go up again toward the Sun at the moment of the death. Eyes are the doors of the Sun: They have an igneous element in himself and irradiate what go and gather the outside object. That explains the images of the mirrors. The vision is possible only through water and the air, that are cold. Our voice is formed by cold and invisible ether.

We have four following lives, in us, you embed the one in her other. The man is an ore, because he has the skeleton in himself, formed by salts and mineral substances; about this skeleton a body of meat, format of water, ferments and other salts is embroidered. The man is also a plant, he because as the plants one feeds breathes, has a circulatory system, he has blood as lymph, one reproduces. And hips an animate them, as gifted with of motility and of knowledge of the outside, given him by the five senses and completed by the imagination and the memory world. At last it is a rational being, as he owns will and reason. We have so in us four distinct lives and must therefore know us four times. Every day we must perform a dual heart-searching, a double weighing of our soul or "psicostasia". We at the morning must elaborate our scenario for the day, and in evening must do the budget of how much we were able to carry out.

Gold Versos affirm him without misunderstanding:

"Going out of the sweet sleep he - says Porfirio in his text - must above all think with the maximum attention on the different works that you will have to realize during the day. In evening, you must not then never leave the sleep to close your pupils without submitting the actions accomplished in day, asking for you before to the reason: What transgressions did I commit? What did I do? What duty did I forget? He verifies all the accomplished acts beginning from first: If you find out to have acted badly, reproached; if you did, congratulated well with same you » (Gold Versos, 40-44.) This daily exercise of the psicostasia constantly of « doing the point » will allow us on our moral progress.

From where our soul comes? According to CĂ­cerone, that takes again certain theses some ancients, it comes from the cosmic soul and one binds to the body physical in what he fell. The soul is a number one moves for its virtue and falls in a determinate body following a secret affinity.

What is the reason of this fall? And 'for his good, for his progress, to evolve it toward the perfection and become a day again he thinks worthy to belong again to his sky-blue country.

The soul is limited by the body in which contained is, both for how much concerns the knowledge and the radiation. It can not die to revive: Soul that dies, to make possible a sky-blue reinstatement is the body duality thanks to this break of the tie that binds her to the ground. The man dies in the sense what his physical body becomes again to the ground; the particle of hot ether of his soul subsists for a certain time after the death, she will die at his time, and then the second death be this one. But the particle of cold ether is immortal and undergoes he reads it of wanderings up to his final ascension.

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