The Witches' Hammer
Expression of this culture of hatred, was the notorious Mallus Maleficarum ("the witches' hammer") a book written from Dominican and published two in the 1486. The authors of the book, with blind fanaticism, were claiming no one torture or deceive exaggerated era if pushed by the "noble" task to extort a confession to a subject that commits heresy. The moderation was not an at the Society of the tempo.Le women were coming tortured and raped applicable condition. Besides their goods were distraint object still charges before she was formulated her this, by letting foresee the intent light not to want to perform the process respecting every justice principle. Also the family was forfeiture object and one were even unearthing the dead to burn the bones. What that remains not much clear is as him, and many other, Catholic theologians one could allow to believe in the existence of magic and witchcraft. In the old doctrine of the church the princes all the kinds of witchcraft and magic are according to fruit of "Pernicious inventions of the devil" had been stared at and what "I colour what they consider these things they lost the faith." Even though in the sight of the persecution they were finishing any individual, that is man, woman or child, what is of fact the enormous majority of charged were womankinds. Women placed to the society's margins but what at the same time were constituting the fulcrum of the family. But from the religious extremist's point of view the woman as such and 'weak, he owns the weapons of the seduction with can subdue a weak man to his want it. Fruit maybe of repressed insane wishes of these mysterious religious.
The jurist Jean Bodin
One some plus famous supporters of the Malleus was the philosopher jurist French Jean Bodin (1529-96) artificer also of a codification of the witch term: "Somebody that, knowing the laws of God, tries to perform determinate acts by an agreement with the Devil" .Lo zeal with the jurist was inquiring into women, disabled young girls sentencing them to era death amazing: "Extort confessions with the torture to" .Inoltre "was a right act of a trial" to point out the crudity of the investigating judge's, behaviour"," that's enough notice which declarations the jurist was adorning:Her being burnt lives on the era stake a quick death for loro:non was lasting more than half time!". Bodin on the finishing of his life, in the 1580, wrote a book, Demonomania of the wizards, famous more and hard and severe more than the Malle us .
Nicholas Remy, the inquisitor
Beside in this work of purification to extirpate the evil give it to Bodin society was the inquisitor of the Lorraine, Nicholas Remy: Even if the intellectual preparation was not equaling that of Bodin, could certainly consider a even number of his for the cruelty of the actions. Remy in the years of his behaviour could count about 900 executions. When he died the older son, Remy charged a repelled beggar from him with witchcraft not much before the death of its descendant. Explanations of this charge: "Witches give out their in the more deceptive way. If it spread the hands and some victims of theirs cling... to the clothes as though they wanted it entertain or propitiate.
Treves bishop
The implacable more between the hunters than witches was definitely bishop Peter Binsfeld of Treves, in Germany finally of the XVI sec. Tortures were not too severe means to be able to fight the phenomenon of the witchcraft; in fact it is said that Bindfeld sent about 6500 to the death between men, women and children.
A feeble defence
Even though the prejudice and the ignorance were acting as masters in that dark time, where the access to the education was a privilege for little, were bulwarks in defence of the human rights, horrified from done him iniquities, as the studious Dutch Cornelius Loos, disconcerted by the legalized murders of Binsfeld, tried to protest some humanity in name but to his turns was convict; and for avoiding painful consequences was forced to reprocess his declarations publicly.
The exterminating Henri Boguet
Other pitiless personality was Henri Boguet (1550-1619) judge French, one spotted of the about 600 extermination "witches:" She was able to sentence a suspect only because the crucifix of his rosary was showing some little imperfection, eye-catcher was showing he was contaminated by the Devil. In the 1590 declare '"there are the witches by the thousand in all the world.e Their capacity to reproduce it and' compared to what of worms from garden or parasites that infect every thing with their hateful presence ".
Enrico IV hunter
Pierre de Lancre (1553-1631), cacciatore di streghe ufficiale di Enrico IV per il regno di Navarra, il suo vanto personale, e' di aver torturato e bruciato più di 600 tra uomini e donne, accusati di accordarsi con i demoni.Nei suoi libri Tableau de l'Inconstance des mauvais Anges (1613) e L'Incredulite et du Mescreance Sortilege (1622), de Lancre sosteneva come verità assoluta la cred enza in the demons, in the black magic and to the witchcraft. The only negation of the existence of the witchcraft was constituting heresy because God itself had sentenced Magicians and Wizards in the Bible for him. De Lancre, however, was not a member of the clergy, and his worries were more than social nature than rather theological. He thought witches and wizards were a kind of anti State, that is organized well-stocked one strength social I look 'to turn over the given up order. Trying the Hebrews for witchcraft, according to heretics and wizards was custom for the judges of the time. De Lancre did not do exception, in fact I affirm 'what God I withdraw' his grace and promise to the Hebrew people. He besides affirmed to have tests what many Hebrews magicians powerful that had the capacity to turn into wolves at night were. A day considered what as the inhabitants of Labourd, about 3000 district souls (understood religious) were everything devoted to the witchcraft. In thousands they tried to escape to the dreadful destiny that was in store for them, by even emigrating in the New World. Within four months, de Lancre about 600 sent of the little remained the stake and then he went back triumphantly to Paris to be named state adviser by appreciative king Enrico.
The Puritan
But the more notorious inquisitor was the Puritan, bankrupt judge, Matthew Hopkins. He raged for a single-track period (about at 1640) so that he was able to send death more than some person hundreds. The "oddness" in the leading the investigations him placed under inquiry and was object of a decree parliamentary that summonned him not to do practice of such identification methods: Throw the suspect bound hands and feet in the ice water of a lake or a river to see if they were floating. If these were not sinking in waters, they were definitely witches. Besides helped by assistants, he was raging in England, summonning to pay for rake-offs to the local authorities to free countries from the witchcraft. One of his "more peculiar" methods"," if then one can say about psychological torture that was that victims were forced to walk constantly, without eating and sleeping, till exhausted or in delirium, was confessing to belong to the witchcraft. Besides he was making use of make-ups as the retractile blade of a knife to sentence his witchcraft victims. In fact basing on the thesis that if this pricks a witch on particular points does not bleed, was using the souped-up knife to be able to sentence some poor souls. However the badly committed 'against turned to him: He seems that, either was sentenced of witchcraft and hanged or was dead in his tubercolosis bed.
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