Men and occult powers
First we must consider the Egyptian civilization as the most important (after the Babylonian civilization) custodian of magic; indeed medieval alchemical rituals in many of the terms used have their origin in Egypt. There are many stories about magical ability of this civilization like the stories contained in ancient Westcar Papyrus (the Westcar Papyrus is an Egyptian papyrus, which owes its name to the English traveler who bought in Egypt): very interesting is the reference to one of the pharaoh Cheops's sons, called HERUTATAF, famous for his intelligence, that one day talking with his father Cheops on the magical arts and to counter the Pharaoh skepticism told of the existence of a magician who has called Tete; the magician, the prince said, he had 110 years and was able to reconstruct a body deprived of his head. Then the Pharaoh ordered to bring the wizard. Once convened, the Pharaoh asked the magician if he were able to reconnect the body with its head: Tete said to know the way to achieve this miracle. Cheops then immediately ordered to lead a slave because he had cut off his head.
But the great sage magician begged the Pharaoh not to use a man but to conduct the experiment using an animal sacred. So he conduct was a goose and was cut off the head. At this point Tete put the body in the west and east to the head; then recited a few magic words. The two pieces began to get excited and shaking with each approached one to the other. At the end of the head and body were re-aligned and linked. This experiment was repeated with a bird and an ox with the same result.
It is said that the Pharaoh Nectanebo II had magical powers, that was able to control things. This ability allowed him to model shapes of the enemies and their ships using the wax. Then with a bowl full of water submerged them.
Symbols and Amulets
Another well-known story refers to the battle between Seth and Horo the evil Seth has extracted an eye Thot but manages to heal the eye and brings him to the God Sun King. The famous eye Horo later became one of the most protective amulets known by the Egyptians and the symbol of health and protection.
The Tiet, or knot of Iside more knot of Seth was an amulet that was considered to ensure protection to life and during the journey to afterlife.
The ancient Egyptians were fascinated by the life cycle of the beetle by finding the similarities with Ra, the god of the sun. The female beetle collecting dung of other animals, it forms a ball and, having hidden their eggs to internal puts the sun to warm up before you bury all in itself. When it opens the egg, leaving a growing larva nourished by the contents of the ball and then re-emerge in the sunlight as adult beetles. The ancient Egyptians believed that the vital circle looked in their two events of great symbolic importance: the rolling of the ball could be similar to the circulatory motion of the sun in the sky operated by the god Ra, and the resurgence of the scarab was the land of rebirth from death, particularly symbolic because it was decomposing material. The scarab became an amulet symbolizing rebirth, vital power, spontaneous generation, new life and resurrection. The beetle could be used in life as amulet to put around your neck or in the event of death (the scarab of the heart) as amulet that was placed on the chest of the mummy. For the Egyptians the heart was the center of the divine power, spirituality and all the perceptions of being. The heart scarab was an able divine and its powers to perceive the invisible, and was instrumental in passage from earthly life to eternal because that gave the mummy, the power to dispel the terrible serpent APOP (the god of darkness represented by the shape of a cobra snake) and the many dangers along the path of travel at night in the dead world towards the happy pastures of IARU.
The Ankh or Ansata Cross, also known as the Key of Life is an ancient sacred Egyptian symbol that symbolizes the life essence. The gods are often depicted with an Ankh in your hand, led to the elbow, or chest. It was considered the key geometric esoteric mysteries could open the doors to the world of the dead, it gave access to the most hidden secret of eternal life:" He who possesses it is master of life and death".
Sacred Books
The Pyramids Texts are a set of formulas rituals that are intended to ensure immortality, and the ascent to heaven the sovereign of ancient Egypt. Texts of the Pyramids were found engraved on the walls of kings and queens tombs, hidden from view of the profane and intended exclusively for high initiates: The texts of Pepy I, in his pyramid just south of that of Unas at Saqqara, were the first to be discovered, but those of Unas are the oldest ever (2375-2345 BC). These texts were messages and words of power to open the gates of the parallel universes, places where live the gods. Places to which the ancient kings and queens had free access on their divine originThe Texts of the Pyramids are descended from a very ancient tradition, from Atlantis, and their language is archaic. They were already considered old in those times and it is assumed that they were the words spoken by alien gods of the times further away:
Through you, the most
powerful of the gods!
Help me because
I belong you and your
heart welcomes it.
And my flesh and bones are rejuvenation.
powerful of the gods!
Help me because
I belong you and your
heart welcomes it.
And my flesh and bones are rejuvenation.
Sarcophagi Texts
It is a collection of funerary texts from different periods, containing magical formulas, hymns and prayers which, by the ancient Egyptians, guide and protect the soul (Ka) in his journey through the region of the dead. According to tradition, the knowledge of these texts enabled the soul to cast out demons that impeded the path and passing the tests posed by the 42 judges of the court of Osiris god of the underworld.
The pyramid of Cheops
The Pyramid of Cheops at Giza, also called the Great Pyramid, is the only one of the seven wonders of the ancient world that has come down to us, and the most famous of the world. It is the largest of the three pyramids of Giza necropolis near Cairo in Egypt. It is assumed that it was built by Cheops (Horo Medjedu) of the Fourth dynasty of Egypt as Ancient Tomb. Inside, as was the case with many other royal tombs of ancient Egypt looted from violators of tombs already in antiquity, was not found any burial, and this suggested that not all pyramids are funerary monuments. There is a theory that is based on the belief that the Great Pyramid is considered as a great power capacitor. Probably this idea was born during the 30s when Antoine Bovis, French scholar and sensitive radiestesista during a trip to Egypt, visiting the Pyramid of Cheops, found in the "Room of the King", some dead mice and bats perfectly preserved, perhaps by chance entered and maybe later died of hunger. Instead of rotting, as was natural that happened, were in excellent condition. After visiting the Great Pyramid, rebuilt in the same small scale experiments and practiced mummification of the dead animal. Later a radio Czechoslovakia, Karel Drbal, began to construct models of the pyramids, and declared that, in addition to the mummified bodies and preserving food, sharp blades of the razors; also managed to patent its model. The pyramids are also able to grow better plants, better mental and treat stress and other disorders. However, other researchers have been unable to repeat the experience of Bovis or Drbal, but supporters of the powers of the pyramids, even if these inconsistencies, it does not seem worried. In the 1970-1990 period Alvizo Luis Alberto Rodriguez and his team conducted a series of experiments and concluded that the pyramids were not such as to produce effects, but the geometric shape of the same, so a simple frame with the appropriate measures could function as the complete model. According to recent studies it seems that the type of energy that generates amplifies and radiates both a type of electromagnetic radiation on the order of millimeter wave (Nano-waves). According to some researchers, the energy radiated outside and concentrated in space, is due to the simple fact that they have 5 points: the apex and the 4 vertices of base. These corners, or spikes, to act as nano-way radio waves. The radiation of the molecules or atoms of the same material from which the pyramid is formed, is conveyed, the corners of the base and the summit, all to 1 / 3 in height from the base of the pyramid( i.e., in the "Room of the King"!)
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