Monday, 24 January 2011

Birth of the World

Immanuel Velikovsky was born on 10 June 1985 to Vitebsk in Russia. He was a respected psychiatrist and psychoanalist. But what that made him famous in the scientific community was his one what provoke 'quite a lot of doubts and weighing disputes does: The "Worlds" book "in collision."
In the book it is specified the planet Venus was born as a comet

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Prince of San Severo

He was born to Antonio, the Duke of Torremaggiore and Cecilia Gaetani dell'Aquila d'Aragona (Torremaggiore, January 30, 1710-Naples, 22 March 1771). Lost his mother shortly after birth, was always deeply attached to devote much of her, in the Chapel Sansevero, the statue of the "Veiled Modesty" in which a woman is completely covered with a cloth that allows a glimpse of the forms, rests with a stone broken to indicate precisely the untimely death.

principe di San Severo

His father, Antonio di Sangro, superficial and libertine, a girl obsessed with San Severo, he had killed his father, who opposed the report. Accused of wrongdoing by Nicola Rossi, mayor of San Severo, was forced to flee to the Court of Vienna where he became intimate of the Emperor, still protesting his innocence. Perhaps because of corruption, the judiciary and the case filed Pugliese Antonio di Sangro was able to return in his estates, where, however, was soon to take revenge of his main accuser making him kill. To escape the shooting to prison escape, after various vicissitudes, ended in Rome and Antonio di Sangro took vows and retired to a monastery.
The young Raymond was then entrusted to the care of his paternal grandparents who, 10 years, sent him to study at the Jesuit school in Rome, where he remained until the age of 20 years, acquiring a culture much higher than the average, combined with his natural inclination to study (except the grammar because of which he lost a year), he made one of the "genes" of the eighteenth century Neapolitan and European level.

Him has said that he was a naturalist, astronomer, poet, writer, soldier, patron. Raimondo di Sangro, however, had something more. He loved to practice all sorts of experiments in person

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Pythagoras, philosopher, magician and scientist

Pythagoras's demonstration

Pythagoras was a large philosopher, magician and Scientist. He was born in Samos , seems in the 570 a. C; the father was a stonemason, the mother was coming from a family whose source of wealth the commerce marittimo.Tra was his numerous journeys, one caused in Egypt Amasi with a letter of introduction of the despot in Samos with the Pharaoh. He remained here for well 22 years. She according to a few sources in particular Erodoto, he learned the knowledges of mathematics, medicine and magia

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Human monsters

The baffling appearance of the innumerable histories of witch-hunt in the period that existed between the XIV to the XVII sec. In the Western Europe, was not much of the existence of gifted with personalities of Supernatural powers, but the raw brutal action of teases